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How tall is Tom Cassell

Tom Cassell's Height

5ft 6 ½ (168.9 cm)

English Youtuber, known for TheSyndicateProject. At age 18 he said "well obv with shoes on im 5'7/ 5,8 but i measured bear footed so im actually 5'5 normaly xD"..."Infact with no shoes acuratly im 5.75 xD inclue my hair im 5,8+ xD ahahah !" Then at age 22 tried to claim "5'10" and when called 5'7" said "for a fact I'm not 5"7! I was 5"7 like 3 years ago lol". Most recently he said "Im 5"9". Youtube StarsTom Heights Average Guess (19 Votes)
5ft 6.39in (168.6cm)
